3 min readFeb 11, 2022

Are Lawn Herbicides Safe for Pets?

Are Lawn Herbicides Safe for Pets?

Expert #1: From the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): Because herbicides are toxic substances, any product that contains them must be used with care, especially when around pets and children. The chemicals in herbicides can cause both short-term and long-term health problems in animals, including humans.

How toxic are lawn herbicides to my pet?
If you have pets in your household, it’s important to be aware of which substances can harm them. While lawn herbicides may not be labeled as toxic to animals, they can still cause problems. That said, there are a few things you can do to keep your pet safe from potential herbicide-related issues. Let’s discuss how toxic are lawn herbicides to my pet and what you can do about it if your furry friend comes into contact with a potentially dangerous product.

Ways to Keep Pets Away From an Application
Keep dogs and cats indoors and in a separate room of your house when you’re treating your lawn with herbicide. Most herbicides are non-toxic to humans, but many can be harmful to pets if they come into contact with it or ingest any part of it. Depending on how sensitive your pet is, he may be able to lick up a small amount without experiencing any adverse effects.

Keeping your pet away from an area treated with herbicide before the application is dry
Make sure your pet stays out of an area that’s been treated with herbicide until it’s completely dry. For a glyphosate product, you should keep pets away from treated areas for at least 24 hours after application.

Safer Ways To Kill Weeds in Your Lawn
We’re passionate about your yard and its appearance. That’s why we want to make sure you have all of the information you need to keep it looking great. In our latest post, we discuss safer ways to kill weeds in your lawn — without putting your dog or cat at risk.

Keeping your dog out of the yard while you treat it for weeds
One of easiest ways to keep your dog out of your yard while you treat it with herbicide is by creating a physical barrier, such as a temporary fence or by keeping him inside until you’re finished. If you plan on temporarily fencing off part of your property, it might be a good idea to invest in a pet gate or two so that you can continue giving your dog access to certain parts of your yard.

After You Treat The Yard, Keep Your Pet Out
Although they pose no immediate danger to your pets, herbicides can be toxic if ingested. Before you treat your lawn, make sure to keep your pets out of that area until it’s dry — or better yet, make sure your pet never has access to it at all.

How long does it take to get rid of weeds in your lawn?
If you want to rid your lawn of weeds, it might be tempting to reach for an herbicide to help you on your way. But be careful — lawn herbicides could have negative effects on both you and your pets. Since many common weed killers include chemicals that are poisonous to animals, pets can die if they come into contact with them. If you do choose to use a weed killer in your yard, there are some steps you can take to ensure it stays safe for pets.


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